Saturday, 11 June 2011

Sean's Blog - 10th June 2011

Today was our last day at CHAMRECC School in Mitumba, the day started with a tour of the Mitumba community.  We used the maps that the parents had done in their workshop the other day and visited the different places that they had identified as the key parts of the community. The final touches to the water tank that we have been working with all this week were made and the water tank was placed onto the foundation ready for the water company to come and connect it and fill it up with water ready for the school to put the tank into good use. After the tour and putting the final touches to the water tank it was onto the CHAMRECC school presentations the school went first and we were treated to two tribal dances (they were Luo and Masai) and also a few poems and other songs put together by the kids of the school.
After the school kid’s presentations, they went back to class to finish off the arts and crafts stuff that we had set for the participants who attended the arts and crafts workshop to take back to the class. We had lunch and then went straight into doing our presentation to the school. We started off thanking the school for the hospitality they have shown us throughout the week and to the teachers and pupils also.  We then sang a few songs (red and white is the colour, everywhere we go and a new debut song composed by John to the tune of when I was young) and each class in turn brought their paper chain that they had designed and joined up to make a bigger paper chain  as a whole school. The presentations went down a storm and all in all it was another productive and rewarding week at CHAMRECC School.  The week has gone so fast and we’re looking forward to the next week at Naivasha.

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