Thursday, 9 June 2011

John's Blog - Arts Workshop (Wednesday 8th June)

Today the stand for the water tank has made good progress with the top being cemented.  We were leading an Arts workshop in the school today on the theme of ‘building up’ each other in positive ways.  We made paper chains with our names on, learnt a catchy song called ‘build up’ with a few actions to keep everyone on their toes.  It was encouraging to hear the class next door singing along as well!  We did mime including reeling in a very big fish (Lawsy)!  We built up a tower with Jenga blocks and made our own bricks out of cardboard decorating them with ways of encouraging people before building a wall with them.  We had taken quite a bit of materials and resources (pens, pencils, crayons, etc) for the school to keep as well which we will donate at the end of the week and it was good to start off using them.

We also had a tour of the school from teacher Dan which was great as we saw the different class rooms and were able to get some feedback from each of the teachers.  It was good to see the room had improved where a few children who stay at the school sleep.

After lunch we continued with more coaching at the Masai field including one of our favourite games – football rounders.  We were meant to play a friendly match with the Masai community but unfortunately they didn’t arrive in time before we had to leave to get to the training pitch at Langata for training with the Samba Girls.  It feels like we’re starting to get to know them better now and we can see their improvement already in the sessions focusing on making and exploiting space.  It will be good to hear more of their personal stories over the next week and see how best to develop the team.

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